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24.03.2022 - 06:59
First Order hiring campaign went smoothly and we successfully Hired following members.

1: Swenden : Swenden Joined us on 06-03-2022. Swenden is experienced and old player who carries vast amount of knowledge in scenario.

2: Spartan2000: Spartan joined us on 20-03-2022. Spartan is and old player and a busy person due to IRL, yet catching him in game
still requires a-lot of hard work for people.

3: Hoimis: Hoimis Joines us on 24-03-2022. Hoimis has improved his skills and tactics, recent results can be seen from his current game
where he took all the burden of Empire Officer "Wunderwaffen" who refused to help his team
which resulted in 90% Good team win. Hoimis was offered direct Invitation from Board upon his
exceptional Performance.

First Order clan Page : https://atwar-game.com/cln/cln.php?cln_id=1182
If you believe you are one who should be represnting FO feel free to contact us.
24.03.2022 - 07:39
Minimum requirement is 1000 elo for me to join your clan

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