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Publicações: 3   Visitado por: 45 users
25.04.2017 - 21:30
I know there are probably tons of posts already answering this question, but I thought I'd be easier to receive direct feedback, rather look at (possibly) outdated threads,
and what I mean by "in general" is not how to play the game, but what could I do to get better at it.
26.04.2017 - 01:19
Conta apagada
Get yourself into a decent coalition. Don' t be afraid to ask/ experience new stuff
26.04.2017 - 02:55
Read alot of the tips and tricks section
the advanced tutorial videos
ALWAYS watch the other battle screens besides yours (PVP & PVN) early to see who is using stealth units and then cautiously prepare and wall vs. them sneak thiefs
learn to wall properly and quickly(if only play quick games)
learn the att/def values of stacks
learn to prioritize your moves

dont be an allyfag- kill em all and let God sort em out

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