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27.07.2015 - 08:28
In the new version 4.075, an update to make the troop movement smoother was introduced. Along with this, the zoom bug as we know it came to live.

There are many zoom bugs, this one is about the range - you can reach places that are closer to your stack of troops. For those who don't know how to do it, just zoom till the city can't be bigger and direct your army as straight as possible to the city.

Some people wanted this bug back, so enjoy...
27.07.2015 - 08:52
This is one of those bugs that i really like
it added more skill into the game.
27.07.2015 - 10:36
Conta apagada
No actually, this was already in the html version.
The zoom bug that's gone is eg when you're getting around patras (greek city) to reach italy from turk. you cant place units on top of cities anymore.
27.07.2015 - 10:43
Escrito por Guest, 27.07.2015 at 10:36

The zoom bug that's gone is eg when you're getting around patras (greek city) to reach italy from turk. you cant place units on top of cities anymore.

I am pretty sure that is superimpose bug. There's no reason to bring it back.

I wasn't able to do this though, for example before this update I couldn't reach poland wth gw germ. Now I can.
27.07.2015 - 10:44
 Witch-Doctor (Mod)
Escrito por Guest, 27.07.2015 at 10:36

No actually, this was already in the html version.
The zoom bug that's gone is eg when you're getting around patras (greek city) to reach italy from turk. you cant place units on top of cities anymore.

I've never needed to put units on top of patras to get to Italy.
27.07.2015 - 11:58
Nice, you are just a few day behind
"War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means."
― Carl von Clausewitz
27.07.2015 - 15:45
Conta apagada
Escrito por clovis1122, 27.07.2015 at 10:43

Escrito por Guest, 27.07.2015 at 10:36

The zoom bug that's gone is eg when you're getting around patras (greek city) to reach italy from turk. you cant place units on top of cities anymore.

I am pretty sure that is superimpose bug. There's no reason to bring it back.

I wasn't able to do this though, for example before this update I couldn't reach poland wth gw germ. Now I can.

well im pretty sure no one called it superimpose but you
27.07.2015 - 15:47
Conta apagada
Escrito por Witch-Doctor, 27.07.2015 at 10:44

Escrito por Guest, 27.07.2015 at 10:36

No actually, this was already in the html version.
The zoom bug that's gone is eg when you're getting around patras (greek city) to reach italy from turk. you cant place units on top of cities anymore.

I've never needed to put units on top of patras to get to Italy.

well you didnt need to but it made you go a bit further

and btw if you even try it in html it will just attack patras
27.07.2015 - 15:48
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Escrito por clovis1122, 27.07.2015 at 10:43

I couldn't reach poland wth gw germ. Now I can.

well i find it awkward i could reach, same with imp infs etc
28.07.2015 - 07:30
Conta apagada
Some bugs made game more interesting,and players needed more skills bla.
28.07.2015 - 10:30
Escrito por Guest, 27.07.2015 at 10:36

No actually, this was already in the html version.
The zoom bug that's gone is eg when you're getting around patras (greek city) to reach italy from turk. you cant place units on top of cities anymore.

that wasnt a zoombug it was just the ability to place units closer to a city without them getting dragged in.

The superimpose thing clovis was talking about was a negative bug that people could use to bypass walls.
28.07.2015 - 10:42
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Escrito por Permamuted, 28.07.2015 at 10:30

that wasnt a zoombug it was just the ability to place units closer to a city without them getting dragged in.

The superimpose thing clovis was talking about was a negative bug that people could use to bypass walls.

then i dont know why people were crying about "zoombug" before, cities were still getting bigger.
28.07.2015 - 14:43
Well it have multiple definition, all of them are essentially abusing the "Zoom" feature.

1) The act of zooming to make your cities a little bigger, then go straight at it. This allow you to reach places you wouldn't be able to under normal mechanics.

2) The act of zooming to make the units bigger, and when there's a double wall, you can go straight to break it. This allow you to pierce through double walls.

3) The act of zomming in-out fast and click right when your troops are in a unit or city, and they are "at the top" of it. This allow you to do some interesting maneuvers, and is what I call superimpose bug.

From all 3, only the superimpose bug is fixed (the 3rd one) in HTML. The other two still stands, though some players here say they could do the first one before but I couldn't. Maybe it was the first update related to troops movement...
12.08.2015 - 04:15
Zoom bug was always have been helpful for me so im actually happy its back .Im sure there are a lot of stuff that haven't been included in html5 from SL but if we help admins and mods we can make html5 even better than SL and if we lucky bugles
31.08.2015 - 16:00
Conta apagada
Are you sure it's 100% back? I tried to use PD militias from austria to attack wroclaw, in SL I can but in HTML5 I can't.
31.08.2015 - 23:35
Escrito por Guest, 31.08.2015 at 16:00

Are you sure it's 100% back? I tried to use PD militias from austria to attack wroclaw, in SL I can but in HTML5 I can't.

Not really. Amok made it harder and that changes a lot of the current mechanics / expansions / presets. Is anyone able to get up to Sweden lake?

I was only able to successfully do it after the troop movement update, but as you can see in this thread other players were able to do it before the update...
01.09.2015 - 16:45
Conta apagada
Escrito por clovis1122, 31.08.2015 at 23:35

Escrito por Guest, 31.08.2015 at 16:00

Are you sure it's 100% back? I tried to use PD militias from austria to attack wroclaw, in SL I can but in HTML5 I can't.

Not really. Amok made it harder and that changes a lot of the current mechanics / expansions / presets. Is anyone able to get up to Sweden lake?

I was only able to successfully do it after the troop movement update, but as you can see in this thread other players were able to do it before the update...

But more specifically, can you send PD militias from austria to wroclaw? Try it please, I really wanna know because I tried a lot and I didn't succeed. Although cities do get bigger when zooming out, the units don't attack the cities even if they're touching each other. It's like the "hitbox" of the cities don't change (get bigger), just the visual of the cities.
01.09.2015 - 21:27
Escrito por Guest, 01.09.2015 at 16:45

But more specifically, can you send PD militias from austria to wroclaw?


Tried zooming at 300x for a more precise move.... still no.
02.09.2015 - 05:34
 Eagle (Mod)
Zoom bug aint back...
11.09.2020 - 11:45
I have a zoom bug i need help it has everything zoomed out the chat box the units even the end turn and i cant play now someone please help
12.09.2020 - 01:09
1. Have you tried logging out and in again
2. Have you tried closing and reopening your browser
3. Have you tried turning your computer off and on again
4. Have you tried using a different browser
5. Please create a new thread if none of these work, don't revive old threads if you're not sure it's the same bug (it isn't).
6. Post a screenshot of your issue there https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=38345
7. Thanks for your understanding


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