So past couple days ill be mid game fighting, and get disconnected for no reason.
the funny thing is. once i get kicked from the site. it'll let me rejoin after i time out of the match. its happend 3 different times this week. pretty frustrating.
It just happend again. i keep getting kicked from the site until i time out of the match im in. wtf is going on?
Its either ur connection or servers.Servers probably.When u see disconnection messages in game chat end turn move a unit and then save.Wait for timeout error then refresh.Do that before last 10-20 seconds of turn.
Sid (Administrador)
A good way to tell if it is you or the server is if you can connect to other websites while it's happening. In my experience, about 85% of the time the servers are the ones acting up.
There really isn't anything we can do about the servers right now.