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11.05.2013 - 16:23
Hallo forums. I started playing this game on and off since the beginning of time, (no really), and so far I have found GC is the best strategy for me to use, though I haven't tried too many new ones, I was looking for an expert's opinion of if GC is still a playable strat and if so what country/playstyle should be used with it. Danke!
Gott weiß Ich will kein Engel sein!
11.05.2013 - 19:45
It's still a viable strategy unless you're playing competitively 1 vs 1 or in a 3 vs 3, then other strategies have the edge over you. Otherwise in normal game play like in Europe+ free for all or something, it's superb.

Definitely try the other strategies you have till you're used to playing them, so you can see what strategies work with which countries. GC is a rather expensive strategy, so you can't use it everywhere.
22.05.2013 - 08:34
Its still usefully strategy. Very good in custom maps.
13.06.2013 - 10:28
Yes It Is a usefull strat ike Meester said I agree what he says But i think it is also good in small countries but try thinking which country you think its best at like everybody does
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