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01.02.2011 - 16:32
Well my suggestion is that you are able to put a stack under a group button such as 1

Basically what you do is:

You select the squad, you press Ctrl+The number you want and then press the number at any time to select this stack. double pressing will float you towards the stack.

for players who rather have these buttons visible they can either be somewhere in the top or on the left side. The picture will resemble the unit that's seen the most in the stack.

Example with shortcut:

I want my 100 tanks to be under the button "1".

I select them

I press Ctrl-1

Succesful! Now whenever I press 1 I will select my 100 tanks.

Example without shortcut: (Not sure about this one)

I want my 100 tanks under the number "1"

I press on the groupbox for group 1 at the left side.

I select my 100 tanks.

My tanks are now succesfully linked to group 1!

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