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Publicações: 7   Visitado por: 50 users
11.03.2011 - 01:49
This is a bit stupid, but I think it would be better if we could choose from all the colors at the start instead of just the 6 boxes.
11.03.2011 - 09:20
No, this could be actually smart. Why doesn't Amok allow the people who start games to pick from all colors?
11.03.2011 - 09:44
It's not stupid, and I agree with you. I really like playing with black or gray!
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
11.03.2011 - 10:28
Agreed, I like lime green and fuschia...because im a freak :3
11.03.2011 - 11:54
Some colours are hard to see on the map and would should be removed, and another colour burns in to my brain, can't remember what its called.
11.03.2011 - 12:37
I would like to have a bigger selection of colors from the start
11.03.2011 - 12:48
If you have the light gray color, it's a sly bastard. Someone joined late in a Europe+ brawl of almost a dozen people as the Dutch, and most of us didn't realize so until after random attacks along the border lol.

But I do support a choice from the full catalog, instead of having to go through the basics before any others are chosen. Other then that the only color qualm I have is the fact some colors defensive lines are almost impossible to see on the player controlled countries because of the same colors and lack of opacity of the background colors. This is especially true the shorter your lines are, which makes for some blunders in logistics.

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