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Publicações: 3   Visitado por: 40 users
28.01.2022 - 02:34
Croat puts out some great stats. i wonder if you can find how many trophies were taken from Cosa and Aristo for false accusations? And does that have any affect on the current stats you posted.
Humans are only a suicidal sub species of Chimps running a muck on this planet.
28.01.2022 - 08:44
 Witch-Doctor (Mod)
Escrito por Dizabo, 28.01.2022 at 02:34

Croat puts out some great stats. i wonder if you can find how many trophies were taken from Cosa and Aristo for false accusations? And does that have any affect on the current stats you posted.

Idk bro, people like Klevis were definitely abusing bugs and clovis caught opi cheating but opi got lucky clovis wasnt recording.
30.01.2022 - 11:21
Coulda shoulda woulda
Happiness = reality - expectations

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