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Publicado por Mr_Own_U, 22.10.2014 - 17:14
Low Rank Coalition Tournament

Hello, just got an idea from a friend (Seraphical_Nexus) He brought up a pretty good idea, unless there was an idea like this forgive me. But I'll be doing it anyways since it has yet to be hosted.. A Low rank clan tournament. Ranks 0-8 ONLY !!!! The matches could be 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 and so on.. Also this does not have to be played in a Clan War since their aren't any low rank officers in many clans as it is.. Also 2v2s are allowed also since it is hard to get 3 low ranks from each clan at a time !

Winners will be awarded a trophy if it is possible, aswell as a random PC reward (Donaters welcome)

•) Europe + 10k
•) Extra cities
•) No Wallfucking capital turn 1
•) 4 Minute turns

Sign ups: (7/?)

1. evoL
2. Stalins Martians
3. State of Mind
4. Shadows Shadow
5. Bactria
6. Night Stalkers
7. Mortal Kombat
8. Winterfell

23.12.2014 - 23:27
It started. None of you guys care to play your games. I feel like laochra now.
It's not the end.

24.12.2014 - 14:12

25.12.2014 - 08:28
Conta apagada
Escrito por Mr_Own_U, 23.12.2014 at 23:27

It started. None of you guys care to play your games. I feel like laochra now.


btw shadows shadow is inactive atm so you may give win to night stalkers/replace it
25.12.2014 - 13:39
Conta apagada
I have spoken to winterfell numerous times now and they don't have "enough Eu players" to play the game.

Theres also no direct contact as Raul who signed them up has left.
26.12.2014 - 13:46
Escrito por 1GodofWar1, 24.12.2014 at 14:12

http://prntscr.com/5kl3po gg bactria

i never acepted to play in tournament,you said it's cw IT WAS NOT A TOURNAMENT GAME
"****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull
out from him their body parts****" - IHY
26.12.2014 - 14:31
Escrito por Black Swans, 26.12.2014 at 13:46

Escrito por 1GodofWar1, 24.12.2014 at 14:12

http://prntscr.com/5kl3po gg bactria

i never acepted to play in tournament,you said it's cw IT WAS NOT A TOURNAMENT GAME

it was both and btw i talked to tunder the day b4 and he said when there is a r-8 on sure

26.12.2014 - 15:55
Conta apagada
Escrito por Mr_Own_U, 23.12.2014 at 23:27

It started. None of you guys care to play your games. I feel like laochra now.

oh look evol and mk havent played
26.12.2014 - 17:37
Escrito por Mr_Own_U, 23.12.2014 at 23:27

It started. None of you guys care to play your games. I feel like laochra now.

Keep me out of it, you should be used to your tourneys going dead by now.

You need to push ppl to play the first round, especially with a team game tourney, after that youll be left with the participants who actually want to play and they tend to motivate each other to complete their games.
26.12.2014 - 18:15
Escrito por Permamuted, 26.12.2014 at 17:37

Escrito por Mr_Own_U, 23.12.2014 at 23:27

It started. None of you guys care to play your games. I feel like laochra now.

Keep me out of it, you should be used to your tourneys going dead by now.

You need to push ppl to play the first round, especially with a team game tourney, after that youll be left with the participants who actually want to play and they tend to motivate each other to complete their games.

It's not the end.

26.12.2014 - 19:04
Can we sign up?
dont want to listen to evoL excuses
"he defended like a beast capped spain while capped."
if evoL cw'ed like the way they make excues they will be top of the table
29.12.2014 - 22:59
Sign us, the helghast up
29.12.2014 - 23:00
Sign the helghast up
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