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12.05.2012 - 20:56
Honestly I myself don't understand why late joiners gain more units then they do.

Sorry, I just played a game and i start in the start of the game and yea it is UK and i get like 50 units first round trying to kill this dude in France ok.

Then on Week 3 new player joins the game in Spain.

I was like this will be easy but when next round comes he has 16 units at my wall he has 18 near France and he has around 20 in Spain.

Now my main point to this is why do late joiners gain stuff other than being taken down units for not being late. I don't understand that they gain 150% more than every other player cause they join later.

How you can solve this:

Were they can only start on rounds right after we get recruitment's, what this does is we get the same amount of units as he will and it might be fare.

You can also just let them get the same amount of units as we do but they don't get recruitment same time we do which is 1,4,8,12 so on so forth

Or they can be Penalized on not getting as much units as we do like in week 1.

My other post:
Yea i can understand were getting at were they can have a chance and stuff why should they get a chance if they join late. Isn't that there fault for not join on time.

there may be people that don't believe this but me i think they should start out fairly like everyone else did. I don't like it when you take someone out in week 1-3 then he join in week 3 and you have lost most of your units kill him then what happen week 4 comes along all he has to do his knock your wall down take the capital you just took then he gets ever more places cause basically you just did all the work for him. Now this can come to a certain extent, but i believe that if this is even possiable then we should think of something to fix it. Now i'm gonna suggest a decision that just got me thinking.

We could fix it by doing this:

Were if this person can reach you in any well possiable within 2 weeks then they should start out the same.
Now if they are further then 2 weeks then they can be exempt from that penalty and they can get there chance.

I don't see anything wrong with late joiners at all it's probably everyone in the world hates them with they spawn right next to you though there my point now we can probably do more stuff then just that but i'm just spit balling and brain storming right now. If anyway possiable if we can come to some way of agreement to do something or a compromise i would love to.



Please give comments and no flagrant post.
12.05.2012 - 23:04
It is this way so late comers have a chance of winning at all. Say, how is it fair that if someone already had Uk, France, and Germany, and someone joins in Russia: Central and only gains the standard amount of units? Doing the math, Russia: Central should not be able to win, if only because of sheer numbers, and income. With the added bonus troops, the late comer has a chance to use these extra units to expand their first turn at large rate to try to match the people already playing.

And obviously this is exploited with the term, "latejoiner," where someone joins and uses the bonus spawn to specifically overwhelm a certain point because other countries near that point most likely had already used up their spawn points.

The system has its ups and downs, but it works and most of us can understand just why it is this way, and why it must stay this way. Just lower the join week if you're scared of latejoiners.
12.05.2012 - 23:45
Yea i can understand were getting at were they can have a chance and stuff why should they get a chance if they join late. Isn't that there fault for not join on time.

there may be people that don't believe this but me i think they should start out fairly like everyone else did. I don't like it when you take someone out in week 1-3 then he join in week 3 and you have lost most of your units kill him then what happen week 4 comes along all he has to do his knock your wall down take the capital you just took then he gets ever more places cause basically you just did all the work for him. Now this can come to a certain extent, but i believe that if this is even possiable then we should think of something to fix it. Now i'm gonna suggest a decision that just got me thinking.

We could fix it by doing this:

Were if this person can reach you in any well possiable within 2 weeks then they should start out the same.
Now if they are further then 2 weeks then they can be exempt from that penalty and they can get there chance.

I don't see anything wrong with late joiners at all it's probably everyone in the world hates them with they spawn right next to you though there my point now we can probably do more stuff then just that but i'm just spit balling and brain storming right now. If anyway possiable if we can come to some way of agreement to do something or a compromise i would love to.



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