Personally think LW right is is annoying and a bit overpowered, I am not sure about other maps or scenarios, but in Europe/ maybe even Middle east, Asia preset etc., I kind of found that ruining the balance of the map, as you
1. get rushed by LW and it is really hard for you to recover without an expansion countering LW rush specifically.
2. even when you do the counter expansion, if he decides to just over-expand, also hard for you to do anything.
3. Compared to SM, LW are less prone to turnblocks, LW also has:
. a. better attacking units (No anti-aircrafts like SM faces)
. b. better defense units (infantry attack are 4)
. c. longer range (AT + tanks range >> SM bomber range)
Thats why i would llike to suggest for a LW Air Transport range Nerf, to make it more balanced, and less annoying to play against (like you won't just get TB and rushed, making it a luck- based game)
I would like to hear more about other player's opinion, discussions are opened.
p.s. I am not banning LW from my games unless most thinks LW is broken, bla bla bla, etc.
actually credits to dominicano who discovered this the first